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How To Optimize Hydronic Systems

Posted by Price Industries on August 10, 2021 at 10:30 AM

Reducing overall energy consumption with Chilled Beams

In modern buildings, the heating, cooling, and ventilation systems consume a large portion of the total energy use. This creates an obvious target when looking for areas where improvements and optimizations can reduce annual energy consumption. Costs associated with these improvements can be reduced year over year. Within the HVAC system, the largest consumer of energy will typically be fan energy. Using hydronic systems to transport heating or cooling energy throughout a building is a great way to dramatically reduce the overall energy consumption of the entire HVAC system.

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Topics: Beams, System Efficiency, HVAC Fundamentals, HVAC, Engineering, Design Engineering, Tech Tip

Create High Performance Schools

Posted by Price Industries on May 18, 2021 at 2:14 PM

The Benefits of Displacement Ventilation and Chilled Beams for Efficiency

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines a high performance school as energy and resource efficient. Creating a high performance school is not difficult, but it requires an integrated, “whole building” approach from the beginning of the design process.

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Topics: LEED for Schools, Beams, Displacement, System Efficiency, HVAC Fundamentals, HVAC, Engineering, Design Engineering

Chilled Beams in HVAC Design

Posted by Price Industries on October 20, 2020 at 1:50 PM

Taking Flexibility with Chilled Beams to the Next Level

In a building’s life cycle, the interior infrastructure may undergo multiple renovations or tenant improvements (TI). A TI project will typically involve adding, moving, or removing walls, furniture,
occupants, electrical wiring, and even the HVAC air distribution system in some instances. TI projects for the air distribution system can cost up to $30/ft2, which brings forth the challenge of ensuring flexibility in the HVAC design to minimize future TI or renovation costs.

Figure 1: Standard ACBL
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Topics: Beams, System Efficiency, Thermal Comfort, HVAC, Engineering, Design Engineering

HEPA Filters versus Particle Size

Posted by Price Industries on May 19, 2020 at 11:49 AM

Understanding the Fundamentals

High-efficiency particle air filters, or HEPA filters, are used for air filtration where room particulate control is of the utmost importance, including in cleanrooms, laboratories, pharmaceutical compounding facilities, protective environment isolation rooms and airborne infectious isolation rooms.

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Topics: Outlet Conditions, System Efficiency, HVAC, Engineering, Design Engineering, Training, Engineering Update, Critical Environments, Filtration

Basics of Air Filtration

Posted by Price Industries on April 7, 2020 at 3:26 PM

Removal of Particulate in Supply Air

Air filters are an essential part of any HVAC system to remove particulates in the supply air that would otherwise be harmful to the building occupants, or build up in the ductwork or equipment. They are also an essential part of air moving devices such as terminal units, fan coils and air handlers as they remove dirt that would otherwise cause coil blockages and fan wheel imbalances.

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Topics: Terminals, System Efficiency, HVAC Fundamentals, HVAC, Training, Handbook, Engineering Update, Critical Environments

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