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Selecting Air Outlets for MRI Applications

Posted by Price Industries on June 13, 2023 at 9:00 AM
Price Industries

The Engineer’s Guide to MRI-Compatible Products

When it comes to selecting air inlets and outlets, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) rooms need special consideration due to the unique equipment found in the room. MRI rooms, often referred to as magnet rooms, contain MRI machines that use powerful magnets to produce pictures of anatomy and physiological processes of the body. These magnets create a magnetic field, which makes the material choice of air inlets and outlets a key factor in the design of the air distribution system.

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) room
The requirements of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) rooms provide a unique design challenge for HVAC engineers

In the magnet room, there are two zones that are considered for object placement: the 50-gauss and 5-gauss fields, where gauss is the unit of measure for the intensity of a magnetic field. The closer you are to the source of magnetism, the higher the gauss value (and vice versa).

MRI machine manufacturers have strict guidelines about what can be installed within these fields. In general, all air distribution products should be located outside the 5-gauss field to ensure minimal magnetic interference. Outside the 5-gauss field, aluminum (nonferrous) products are recommended; small ferrous objects such as nuts, screws, washers and bolts are generally acceptable if securely fastened within the room but, whenever possible, should be nonferrous. 

Due to ceiling height or equipment position, the inlets and outlets may need to be installed between the 50- and 5-gauss fields. If this is the case, the entire air inlet or outlet assembly must be nonferrous – large ferrous parts within these magnetic fields can disrupt the imaging, and small ferrous parts attracted to the magnet can become projectiles and pose a danger to patients. Within the 50-gauss field, the area right above the MRI machine, no HVAC equipment should be installed.

To address these concerns and ensure products can be installed in either zone, Price Industries offers a range of air inlets and outlets that are specifically designed for MRI applications. These MRI-compatible products ensure the absence of ferrous materials, which allows them to be installed either between the 50- and 5-gauss zones or outside the 5-gauss zone.

Price’s Custom Flow slot diffuser
Price’s Custom Flow slot diffuser is available with aluminum pattern controllers and an extruded-aluminum frame for MRI compatibility

Unlike standard aluminum products that typically have ferrous components, products ordered as MRI compatible use only nonferrous materials and hardware. This includes the avoidance of mildly ferrous materials such as austenitic stainless steels. Specifying the MRI construction option assures that all options and accessories are MRI compliant and that the air inlet or outlet can be installed almost anywhere in the magnet room.

MRI-compatible products brochure

You can now view all Price’s MRI-compatible products in one convenient place

By considering the placement and materials of air inlets and outlets in MRI applications, engineers can maintain the integrity of the magnetic field, ensuring accurate and reliable imaging. For more information on products available with the MRI-compatible option, check out our brochure or email the GRD team at

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Topics: GRD, Diffusers, Grilles, HVAC Fundamentals, HVAC, Engineering, Design Engineering

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